The Proud Cloud

When some of our children were in infant school there was a task called the ‘Proud cloud’. Each child was given a small piece of white paper shaped like a cloud and they proceeded to write down anything that made them feel proud. The brief was to think small; nothing too elaborate, just a simple win that resulted in a feeling of triumph. Primary school children are frequently encouraged to check for small signs of improvement, wouldn’t it be fabulous if adults were urged to create their own proud clouds too!

Since our business revolves around fitness, we love the idea of using proud cloud moments to acknowledge fitness progress, and as we approach the end of 2023 now seems the perfect time. Whilst a cloud shaped piece of paper sounds cute, it needn’t be formally written down. Proud memories can be placed in our minds by taking time out to ponder on our achievements.

Often, progress gets overlooked because we don’t take the time to pause and reflect on how far we’ve come. Or we end up comparing ourselves to others and feel we don’t quite measure up. Focus solely on you, think of things you’ve done to benefit your health and fitness this year, paying particular attention to any small improvements that may have gone unnoticed. Appreciate them and be proud. It’s easy to focus and fixate on the negatives – things that didn’t go to plan, things we didn’t get round to finishing, or indeed starting! Instead, actively seek out positives no matter how small they may seem. It could be that you can now manage one more press up on your toes, or you can use heavier dumbbells for one specific exercise. Maybe you found a way to move more, tried a new form of exercise or completed a goal or challenge.

Fitness progress is simply a collection of small improvements, which compound to better health, wellbeing, and longevity. The busy carousel of life often shadows the fact that we are indeed thriving. We simply need space and time to admire our efforts and feel proud. Acknowledging and recognising achievements can be motivating and empowering, so allow yourself space and time to reflect, congratulate yourself, settle on your proud cloud for a moment and let yourself soar.

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