Summer body ready or forever body ready?

Summer body ready or forever body ready? You choose!

Let’s face it, going all out to get ‘ready’ for summer can be a grim and somewhat thankless task! Super strict routines and full-on effort for a short window of perceived glory begs the question – is it worth it? You might feel more confident for the holiday season, but chances are your hard-earned results will fade as quickly as the balmy summer evenings.

Now, we’re not saying don’t exercise or adopt healthy habits – far from it. Nor are we being critical of wanting to look a certain way. We simply want to encourage healthy rituals that can be sustained. If a beach holiday is the thing to kick start some healthy action, great, but be clear about goals and outcomes. Do you really want intense effort every single summer or would a balanced, long-term approach be preferable?

Yes, the word long-term might be a turn off, but quick fixes aren’t all they seem and may actually detriment future health. So, where to start with balance? How about choosing healthier food and drink 80% of the time and loosening off for the other 20%. The 80% doesn’t need to be anything wild, keep it simple. Whole, natural foods with all major food groups covered, wholegrain carbs, proteins, fats and fibre, the building blocks of a healthy body – what’s going on on the inside matters! Cutting yourself some slack 20% of the time means nothing is banned, just moderated, which speaks doable and sustainable.

Exercise can be approached in a similar manner, 4 or 5 days a week of short duration exercise or movement. Make these varied and enjoyable – walking, a bike ride, jogging, a fitness class, the gym, swimming, dancing – the options are endless. Build up the intensity and duration gradually to avoid overload, you’ll stay motivated and the whole thing will feel less daunting.

Admittedly, visible changes to your body may take more time with a balanced approach BUT your progress will be long term as you’re less likely to plateau, get bored, or succumb to the overwhelm. There’s another amazing part to a slower approach – you will start to view exercise and food as much more than tools to look good. You’ll FEEL stronger, be energised, more mobile, have a brighter outlook, sleep better, improve focus and you will appreciate your body and strive to fuel and maintain it’s health and strength.

Most importantly you’ll see a mindset shift from ‘I have to do this’ to ‘I get to do this’. Praising your body and mind for all their capabilities. So, yes, use that imminent summer holiday to commence a well-being reset, if you feel it necessary. Start a plan, but an open ended one, to adopt as a nourishing lifestyle. Bust the desire for a specific appearance and strive for FEELING good, staying healthy and living life (and your summer holiday) to the full.

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