We all know one, don’t we?! The fitness king or queen. They LOVE exercising, they show up, habitually and with smiling enthusiasm! They, as Nike would say, ‘Just do it!’.
Well, here’s the secret, they don’t ‘Just do it’. They are not born that way. They too have days where they simply can’t be bothered!
So, what gets them reaching for their trainers? Motivation, of course. And here’s another thing, fitness motivation isn’t as elusive as it sounds. Anyone can find it; you just need to know how.
The definition of motivation – ‘a reason(s) for acting or behaving in a particular way’. Yep, that’s all. You simply need to pinpoint your goals and reasons for wanting to exercise. Your goal might be huge, such as, to run a marathon. Or it might be small, to enjoy life with the grandkids, or to reduce joint pain. It might sound obvious but having a specific reason will prevent exercise being a chore, and you will start to see fitness as an amazing tool to better your whole life.
This will motivate you to start. You’ll then need a way of sticking with it in the early stages. Find a type of exercise you like, a time of day that suits and a duration that is achievable. Book things into your diary but remember you might need to be flexible. Some weeks you may have less time, don’t beat yourself up. Squeeze in a shorter session, if you can, or do something that fits in with family time. Also, don’t go crazy, build up gradually. Overdoing it, can be demotivating, so take it steady and increase at your pace.
Another way to stay on track is to exercise with someone else – a friend, in a group fitness class, or with a PT. You will literally find strength in numbers; the social and community aspect will lift your spirits. And ultimately, you are more likely to show up if you are accountable to someone else!
Once you are on a roll, you’ll need to keep that initial buzz and sense of achievement alive. Find a way to measure your own progress, and don’t just focus on body image or weight! Can you do one more press up than last week? Knock a few seconds off your running or cycling PB? It also helps to get in ‘the zone’ when you exercise – focus on technique, how you feel, muscles that are working. This will make you appreciate your body’s capabilities and spur you on.
And finally, if you struggle during one session, don’t sweat it! We all have off days. You showed up. You ‘Just did it’. YOU became a motivated king/queen of fitness.