It feels like the health and fitness industry is in a good place at present. Let’s face it, it’s had its ups and downs over the years. Who could forget the disastrous ‘Are you beach body ready?’ campaign of 2015. The advert was banned in the UK over body confidence and health concerns. This seems like a lifetime ago and, thankfully, exercise goals are drifting away from the desire to achieve a specific body shape and size
Weight loss and body image are no longer the top reasons to exercise and getting fit has moved on from being a quick-fix chore to get ‘in shape’. People are now focusing on the bigger picture; a scene where exercise is a permanent fixture, something enjoyable that reaps numerous benefits now, and for many years to come.
Longevity of life, prevention of disease, mental and physical well-being are all a big deal. We are living longer, working for longer, and having children and grandchildren later in life. The need to maintain a certain level of fitness is more important than ever and it’s never too early to plan ahead. The fitness industry is loving this vibe.
Strength training, Flexibility and Mobility work and Functional training have all taken centre stage. Strength training is rightfully a big thing. Weight-bearing exercise is a fantastic way of preserving muscle mass and bone density, essential for keeping you strong and fit as you progress through life. Flexibility and Mobility sessions are key to warding off injuries and joint pain. They also aid good posture and strong body alignment to carry you proud and tall through your years. And last but not least, Functional training, the relatively new kid on the block. Functional training is essentially exercising your body to promote and support movement to function in daily life. Taking your body through movements such as squats, press ups and lunges will keep you at the required level of fitness to maintain and sustain daily activities. To do things like carry heavy shopping bags, get up & down from the floor with ease, reach for objects on a high shelf. All sure ways of futureproofing yourself to age well.
Being able to play on the floor with grandchildren, having active holidays in your retirement, being fit enough to enjoy life to the full, these are REAL reasons to exercise. Exercise can literally change your life, both now and in the future. We know that all sounds rather dramatic, but we wholeheartedly believe it’s true. So, let’s embrace exercise, look at it with fresh eyes. Get moving and grow strong. Your future self will thank you for it!